Monday, September 15, 2014

To Ban or Not to Ban?

The questions is whether or not we should ban and make illegal the possession of all handguns.

Lets start out with the number one reason this is a controversial question, The United States Constitution states, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  This was the second amendment to our constitution which is pretty important if you ask me. This is the number one reason America is having a hard time giving up their gun rights because if we give this right up how many more will we have to give up? Theres is a website that has its own debate about this going on now. 

With regard to the homicide rate in the United States firearms claim over half of the deaths. Gun laws also differ by state as seen here.  The other side of the spectrum has a few things to say about why they do not want to give up their right to bear arms.  There has been numerous studies and data collected about the topic of gun control. A lot of the reason that gun control is on the rise is because of things like Sandy Hook and Newton, mass murders of innocent people and in this case children.  The violence at Virginia Tech and other places with in the last ten years has seemed to be on the rise.  However there are facts that show most people are thinking with emotions left in the wake of these incidents when discussing harsher gun control laws.  There are petitions for both sides going on one for the ban of guns and one to keep guns.  There are a few websites that make a funny but good point on why guns shouldn't be banned

The United States is always changing the laws they have in place to fit the times and the people who are currently being governed.  The government does listen to the people but it listens to the facts as well.  The government wants to be 100% sure about everything they do because lets be honest who wants another probation fiasco. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

My Life Be Like..

     Hey there! My name is Rachel Jackson.
Here's a little insight into my life via links and sassy comments:
   This one is for my Twitter.  I don't know how people can have social media with out twitter.  It is by far the best social media out there.  I am that person that will tweet everything.  I barley see people that I actually know because I follow so many people. I may have a problem. #twitterovereverything
   This one is for my Facebook. This one is for keeping in touch with long lost friends, seeing the best Tuesday night drama, and so my mom can think she is keeping up with my life.
   The last social media I will put up here is my Instagram. Here you will find my witty pictures, a few selfies, pictures of my Starbucks or my food.  I always forget I have an IG but the pictures that get posted are pictures that everyone needs to see, at least I think they do.

   My university has a pretty cool website too, check it out!  Yes, there is a university named Slippery Rock.. Lets go Rock!  I am currently a Senior Communications major with an emphasis in Public Relations. I am an avid Slippery Rock inline hockey fan. All of my friends play and I love going to their games at Neville Island but especially the ones I get to travel with them for their NCRHA games. They even let me spend my time with the cup after their championship win last year.  am currently enrolled in a class called New Media Journalism which is why I have started this blog. All of my class' blogs can be viewed on our Facebook page, or you can find links to our blogs on Twitter using #nmjatsru.

   One traditional media outlet I enjoy reading is the Observer Reporter. This is a newspaper in my home town, Canonsburg, Pa.  I have fun reading it because a lot of the times, good or bad, there are always people I know in the paper.  I definitely hope there is more people I know doing stupid stuff so I can feel better about myself.

  My favorite new media outlet is definitely Twitter.  I find out almost everything on twitter.  It is a fast paced short winded media outlet so it is right up my alley.  There is 140 characters to catch my interest or its on to the next one. And like I said before, I may have a problem.

  Besides tweeting I enjoy playing softball, watching any type of hockey, and going on adventures at 2 in the morning. I have a turtle named Kush and he is the love of my life, even though he is a spoiled brat. I love to read and the book is always better than the movie.  The only show I watch religiously is South Park, which has its own take on the issues going on in the world that I find amusing.  I want to travel the world one day and I'm hoping I can do a lot of it while working with PR companies from different areas of the world.  But my main goal in life is to just be happy.